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Does this really translate to happy hanukkah and have a happy new year?

חנוכה שמח ויש לי לשנה החדשה

Does this really translate to “Happy Hanukkah and have a happy new year”? if not, what is the correct way? Thanks.

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6 Responses to “Does this really translate to happy hanukkah and have a happy new year?”

  1. sherminater said :

    the first 2 words mean Happy Chanukah but the last 4 is a fragment. it means “and there is to me for a new year” which completely does not make any sense.

  2. Jewish Girl891 said :

    sherminator is only partially correct. The first two words do mean happy Hanukkah however the rest means “and i have to a new year”

    the correct way to say it would be
    יש לך חנוכה שמח ושנה חדשה טובה

  3. mimby said :

    the first two words are right for “Happy Hanukkah” but the end means “I have a new year.” I can’t type in hebrew on my computer but I can try for transliterations. the end should be “v’shanah chadasha tova”

  4. Melissa said :

    Everyone “above me” is correct. Sherminator is translating it literally, and the other two are translating it into the idiom.

  5. larry_lime said :

    Sh’yihiyu lakhem chag urim sameach v’shannah chaddashah tovah.

  6. tuxey said :

    as the others have said, the beginning is, indeed, happy chanukah, and the end says i have a new year.

    the jewish new year isn’t in jaunary, it’s in the hebrew month which is generally in september/october. so, pairing the concept of happy chanukah and happy new year is … odd.

    the new year started several months ago,

    have a good day,
    happy holidays


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